HPCC 2024 - Call for Papers
The conference will be held in 13-15 December, 2024
Important Dates
Paper Submission :
15 August, 2024
Authors Notification:
30 September, 2024
Final Manuscript:
15 October, 2024
Registration Due:
30 October, 2024
Conference Date:
13-15 December, 2024
Scope and Topics

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Track 1: High Performance Computing and Applications

  • High Performance Computing Theory
  • High Performance Computing Architectures
  • System Software and Middleware
  • System Software Support for Scientific Workflows
  • Storage and I/O Systems
  • Resource Management
  • Instruction-Level and Thread-Level Parallelism
  • Performance Modeling and Evaluation
  • Massively Multicore Systems
  • Future Novel Computing Platforms
  • Database Applications and Data Mining
  • High Performance Computing for Bioinformatics
  • High Performance Computing for Big Data
  • High Performance Computing for AI
  • High Performance Computing for Block Chains
  • Green High Performance Computing

Track 2: Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems

  • Parallel and Distributed System Architectures
  • Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
  • Data Center Architectures
  • Resource Virtualization
  • Web Services and Internet Computing
  • Cloud Computing
  • Grid and Cluster Computing
  • Federated Learning
  • Embedded Systems
  • Distributed Systems and Applications
  • Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing & Intelligence
  • Distributed Graphics and VR/AR/MR Systems
  • Distributed AI and Soft/Natural Computing
  • Power-Efficient and Green Computing Systems
  • Parallel and Distributed Computing for Big Data
  • Parallel and Distributed Computing for AI

Track 3: Communications and Networking

  • Network and Interconnect Architectures
  • Computer Networks
  • Internet Architectures and Protocols
  • Telecommunications
  • Trust, Security, and Privacy
  • Energy-Aware Computing and Networking
  • 5G Network
  • Software Defined Networking
  • Network Functions Virtualization
  • Machine Learning and Deep Learning
  • Social Networking and Computing
  • Performance Evaluation and Measurement
Paper Submission Guideline

The materials presented in the papers should not be published or under submission elsewhere. Each paper is limited to 8 pages (or 10 pages with over length charge) including figures and references using IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscripts style (two columns, single-spaced, 10 fonts). All papers need to be submitted electronically through the conference submission website with PDF format:(https://edas.info/N32666)

Accepted conference papers will be published by IEEE (IEEE-DL and El indexed). At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and present their work at the conference; otherwise the paper will not be included in the proceedings. Selected papers, after further extensions and revisions, will be recommended to special issues.


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