DIKW 2024 - Home
The conference will be held in Dec. 13-15, 2024.
Welcome Message

Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom, in short (DIKW), have been used widely as marking terms in various domains for expressing and exchanging semantic or conceptual subjective or objective understandings. However, there are still no unified understandings over the meaning of the DIKW concepts. Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom as a whole concept of DIKW is also missing unified understandings of the relationships among them. Therefore, there have been proposals and models of DIKW as “layered hierarchy”, “architecture”, “framework”, “network”, “thinking mode”, “pattern”, “style”, “theory”, “methodology”, “model”, “graph”, etc.

2024 International Conference on Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom (DIKW 2024) will be held on Dec. 13-15, 2024 at Wuhan, China, which is co-organized by Huazhong University of Science and Technology, aims to bring together scientists, researchers, and industrial engineers to exchange experimental and theoretical Data/Information/Knowledge/Wisdom modeling and processing results, novel designs, explainable AI, AI governance, work-in-progress and case studies on theories, design mechanisms and extensions on DIKW transformations and interactions in all areas, in all phases, empirical or theoretical solutions. We hope you will join us for the great gathering and look forwards to seeing you in the beautiful city Wuhan!

Scope and Topics

This conference will focus on (but not limited to) the following topics:

  • Theories, Algorithms and Platforms for Data Analytics and Information Retrieving
  • Data Provenance, Cleaning, Curation and Governance Services
  • Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom Sharing, Integration and Migration
  • Real-time Data Modeling and Information Provision Services and Applications
  • Data-driven Intelligent Decision-making and Innovative Applications
  • Goal or Purpose Models, Techniques and Tools for Smart Computing
  • Data Models, Information Semantics, Query languages
  • Data Stream Systems and Sensor Networks
  • Data Visualization and Interactive Data Exploration
  • Hybrid AI Privacy, Security, Trust, and Responsibility Provision
  • Data-Knowledge Mixed Processing Systems and Service Architecture
  • Domain Knowledge Modeling and Ontology-Building
  • Data, Information and Knowledge Transformation Load balance
  • DIKW content Storage and Retrieval and Interface Technology
  • Software Tools for Data-Information-Knowledge Quality Modeling and Testing
  • Computational Intelligence for Data, Information and Knowledge Hybrid Systems
  • Multimedia and Cross-modals "Databases" Processing
  • Development and Management of Heterogeneous Knowledge Bases
  • Knowledge Extraction, Discovery, Analysis and Representation
  • Application of Knowledge Representation Techniques to Semantic Modeling
  • Optimization Techniques of DIKW applications
  • Theories of DIKW Models and Performance Evaluation Approach
  • Paper Submission Guidelines

    The materials presented in the papers should not be published or under submission elsewhere. Each paper is limited to 8 pages (or 10 pages with over length charge) including figures and references using IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscripts style (two columns, single-spaced, 10 fonts). All papers need to be submitted electronically through the conference submission website with PDF format: ( https://edas.info/N32672)

    Paper Publication

    Accepted conference papers will be published by IEEE (IEEE-DL and El indexed). At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and present their work at the conference; otherwise the paper will not be included in the proceedings. Selected papers, after further extensions and revisions, will be recommended to special issues.

    Important Dates
    Paper Submission Deadline:
    15 August, 2024
    Authors Notification:
    30 September, 2024
    Final Manuscript Due:
    15 October, 2024
    Registration Due:
    30 October, 2024
    Conference Date:
    13-15 December, 2024


    Copyright© DIKW-2024. Created and Maintained by DIKW-2024.